Points: Leftovers from the back of the refrigerator.

Pregame: Take a look at the front of your fridge and pick one object. Describe it in five unique words. These words will be added to your list of usable words.

Rules: For this game of pomes, you’ll only be able to use the words from a list as if they were the tiles in a magnetic poetry pack (i.e. You can only use the words on the list and only the number of times the word appears on the list.) Here’s one such list: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/49/ba/0b/49ba0b8eda763e396f7d9c3e8224bfd0.jpg

Round 1: What a beautiful…something.
Begin by passing a relative (e.g. uncle, second cousin, great great grandma) to the pomist below you alphabetically. Then pass a color + a noun to the pomist above you alphabetically (e.g. yellow sailboat, purple cat). Your gifted relative put up a drawing of your gifted color + noun on the fridge. Write an ekphrastic pome about this drawing using the magnet words and your five unique words from the pregame. You are also able to use the relative and color and noun you were gifted.

Round 2: Blue Fridge Mountain Majesty.
Pass an unlikely place for a fridge to be to the pomist above you alphabetically. Write a kimo about the view from this fridge using the magnet words and your five unique words from the pregame.

Round 3: A Fridge too Far.
Pass one of your unique words to the pomist above you alphabetically and one to the pomist below you alphabetically. Take your received words and “stick” them to the one you passed to that pomist as if they were magnetized to each other, or melded together due to radiation. These word combos must be used consecutively in your pome. Write an elegy for this new world we find ourselves in after the atomic blast.